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15. Problems and their Possible Causes

15.1 Arduino IDE Stops Compiling

There are many possible errors which could be the reason that the Arduino IDE doesn’t successfully compile and stops with an error, e.g. wrong board type/connection/speed chosen. However, there are three types of errors while trying to compile for an ESP32 based board which should be mentioned here:

15.2 The Red LED of the Adapter Isn’t Lit

15.3 The Red LED Is Lit, but a Query Isn’t Possible

15.4 Access to the Webinterface Isn’t Possible

15.5 No Connection to WiFi Possible

Please check whether the definement #define WIFI is active, i.e. the trailing slashes have been removed. An indication that the definement is not active are these error messages in the serial monitior right after booting:

E (1229) esp.emac: emac_esp32_init(349): reset timeout
E (1229) esp_eth: esp_eth_driver_install(214): init mac failed

Furthermore, BSB-LAN can not connect to hidden WiFi networks. The only way to do this is by entering the BSSID of the WiFi network into the variable bssid in the configuration file BSB_LAN_config.h.

15.6 No Query of Parameters Possible

15.7 Controller Isn’t Recognized Correctly

15.8 Heating Circuit 1 Can’t Be Controlled

15.9 Room Temperature Can’t Be Transmitted to Heating Circuit 1

15.10 Heating Circuit 2 Can’t Be Controlled

15.11 Room Temperature Can’t Be Transmitted to Heating Circuit 2

15.12 Settings of the Controller Can’t Be Changed via Adapter

15.13 Sometimes the Adapter Doesn’t React to Queries or SET-Commands

15.14 ‘Nothing’ Happens at the Query of the Logfile

15.15 No 24-Hour Averages Are Displayed

15.16 ‘Nothing’ Happens at the Query of DS18B20/DHT22 Sensors

15.17 The DS18B20 Sensors Are Showing Wrong Values

15.18 The ‘Serial Monitor’ of the Arduino IDE Doesn’t Provide Data


Further on to chapter 16
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